terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016

Resumo Da Historia: CHAPEUZINHO VERMELHO EM ingles

There once was a girl named Little Red Riding Hood.
      One day his mother called him to bring sweets for her grandmother and her mother said,
    _No Talk to strangers.
      On the way home from her grandmother she found a wolf and disobeying his mother, spoke with lobo.O Wolf said:
    _Vai The way shorter .
      Little Red Riding Hood was the shortest way.The wolf running direction of the house of the grandmother toque vermelho.Chegando it the wolf knocked on the door and ate the grandmother of the little hat.Hood came in and did a bit of questions to the wolf, the wolf there almost ate her so she talk.

6 comentários:

  1. tem algumas palavra em portugues pow, arruma aí né

  2. achei muito legal me ajudou muito com meu trabalho

  3. Muito bom mim ajudou com o trabalho aq.

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